Conceptual image of a group of people with the word AGM. business concept. annual general meeting

Notice of Minsteracres Retreat Centre AGM

Thursday 24th September 2024 at 2.30 p.m

Notice is hereby given that the AGM will be held on the above date and time
at Minsteracres to consider two resolutions as follows:

1. Adoption of the Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year ended 31 st December 2023 ; and
2. Re appointment of Azets as the independent examiners of the company’s accounts.

A copy of the report and accounts will be displayed with this notice on the Noticeboard at Minsteracres and is also available via this website.

Claire Morgan
Chair of the Board
13th September 2024

Minsteracres Retreat Centre is a Christian place of prayer

Minsteracres Retreat Centre

We appreciate your continued interest in our work. If you have any questions regarding the annual accounts, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help!