Embracing the Eucharist: The Legacy of Saint Paul of the Cross

In the serene and spiritually nurturing environment of Minsteracres Retreat Centre, where the beauty of faith intertwines with the tranquillity of nature, the legacy of Saint Paul of the Cross flourishes. Born Paolo Francesco Danei in 1694, in Ovada, Piedmont, Italy, he embarked on a profound spiritual journey that led him to found the Passionist Congregation, dedicated to the Passion of Jesus Christ. Central to his teachings and personal devotion was the Eucharist, a sacred element that sustained his soul and fueled his mission.

Early Beginnings and Divine Calling

Saint Paul of the Cross experienced a spiritual awakening early in life, marked by a profound sorrow over the suffering of Jesus. This led to a vision that propelled him to dedicate his existence to God, specifically focusing on the Passion of Christ. This devotion became the bedrock for the foundation of the Passionist Congregation, aimed at spreading the profound message of Jesus’s sacrificial love.

Paul of the Cross

The Passionists and the Eucharist

The Passionist Congregation was born out of Saint Paul’s desire to live and preach the message of the Passion. For him, the Eucharist was not just a ritual but the very representation of Jesus’s suffering and sacrifice, offering believers a tangible connection to the depth of Christ’s love. He viewed the Eucharist as a continuation of the Passion, making it central to the congregation’s mission and spirituality.

A Personal Journey with the Eucharist

Saint Paul’s writings and prayers reveal a heart utterly devoted to the Eucharist. He saw it as the spiritual nourishment that kept his passion and zeal for God’s work alive. His letters often reflect a profound understanding of the Eucharist’s role in sustaining not just his own spiritual life but also that of the wider Christian community.

Group of young Christians praying, holding hands and praying together The concept of praying to God

Teaching and Spiritual Direction

Saint Paul of the Cross passionately integrated the Eucharist into his teachings. He encouraged the faithful to embrace Eucharistic adoration and to approach Holy Communion with reverence and love. His emphasis on the Eucharist was always linked to living out Christ’s compassionate love in the world, seeing it as a call to action for all believers.

A Lasting Legacy

The influence of Saint Paul’s devotion to the Eucharist resonates to this day, particularly within the Passionist Congregation. His canonization by Pope Pius IX in 1867 was a testament to his life’s impact. His spiritual writings continue to inspire many towards a deeper Eucharistic devotion, highlighting the transformative power of embracing Christ’s presence in the Eucharist.

Minsteracres Retreat Centre is a Christian place of prayer

Embracing the Eucharist at Minsteracres

Here at Minsteracres Retreat Centre, set within a breathtaking 110-acre estate in the North East of England, we embody the values and spiritual legacy of Saint Paul of the Cross. Our community of Roman Catholic Passionist priests and lay people is committed to offering a place of prayer and reflection, where the beauty of the Eucharist is at the heart of our shared spiritual journey.

We invite you to join us in this sacred space, to find solace and inspiration within our historic buildings and the natural beauty of our estate. Whether through prayer, retreats, or events, Minsteracres is a place where you can deeply connect with the Eucharistic heart of our faith, continuing the legacy of Saint Paul of the Cross.

In embracing the Eucharist, we open ourselves to the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus, allowing it to transform us and guide us in embodying His love in the world. We welcome you to share in this journey, to explore the depths of Eucharistic devotion, and to find in it the spiritual sustenance and direction that Saint Paul of the Cross found.

Join us at Minsteracres, where the legacy of Saint Paul of the Cross lives on, inspiring all who seek to deepen their faith and embrace the transformative power of the Eucharist in their lives.


For more information about Minsteracres Retreat Centre, our programme of events including residential and day retreats, volunteer opportunities and how to become part of our welcoming community, please visit our homepage at Minsteracres Retreat Centre. Â